quick skim through Youtube reminds me that video recording a sincere magical
ritual and posting it online is a very bad idea. Not so much for fear of
encouraging countless idiotic comments and arguments from the people who have
nothing better to do but argue online, or having a foolish person attempt a
sincerely dangerous ritual, it’s definitely not for worry of appearing foolish
to a wide public audience …but more so for the poor judgment it would be to
post anything worth of value or sacredness for public amusement. The very
thought of events that would befall such an action made me sick to my stomach
when I simply entertained the idea. Although arcane knowledge can be apprehended
when it is sought with a disciplined and mature mind, the whole of occult
working should be strictly kept concealed from public view (Thus keeping it
want to be entertained and empowered by promising effects without doing any of
the work (a Paramount disposition in the West). All wish to be convinced to try
something or believe in something which they have no comprehension of. It’s a
good thing the vast majority of attempted conjurations fail since we would have
a lot more broken minds as a result.
usually cannot make it through an entire viewing of one of the countless
teenage presentations of ill-informed summoning attempts. Ninety percent are
made by fools feigning to be authentic or even knowledgeable about what they
are attempting. Everything from the classic Goetia spirits, Satan himself, or
beings fashioned from urban legend and fantasy are attempted to be manifested
by every sort of dabbler out there. My only pleasure in viewing these complete wastes
of time is hearing their disappointment and frustration when the area remains
just as still and calm as when they began their “magical-documentary”.
Worst are the ones using TV “ghost hunting” tactics and equipment that try to
make something from an obvious nothing.
those who have no aptitude for perceiving spiritual phenomena in the first
place and no developed framework/blue print to draw from will undoubtedly fail
in their attempts to interact with such forces.
reading a ritual from a book a few times and trying out what it says is not
what I’m referring to)
Further attempts to contact the spiritual
realm will most likely prevent them from encountering anything in the future due
to frustration, enforced lack of belief, and an increasing lack of conviction.
These people are not magicians.

is something ridiculous about the notion of filming a spiritual
event/experience no matter how much the entertainment, proof, or fame appeal
is. There are many of us, myself included, who enjoy the thrill of possibly
seeing a paranormal or spiritual event captured on film. It’s enticing to be
able to “share” in extraordinary events from an objective standpoint. Upon
further contemplation, I wondered what would appear on camera if someone going
through true enlightenment were filmed. Would there be any sights, sounds, or
feelings that an onlooker could perceive who had no reference for the
experience? Would it even matter if there were? What would be the motivation
for trying to convince people who did not believe or had no prior experience
with such matters?
entertained such questions as the above during the earlier times in my magical
experiences. I was isolated by the events I had witnessed and greatly wanted
others to share in what I was going through. My teenage years brought about
many lessons where I attempted to introduce others to the world of magical
succeeded where others failed.
am not sure if others have had similar experiences but I introduced the magical
and spiritual world to a few who were obviously not ready for such events in
their lives. If someone’s paradigm is not suited to existence of a spiritual
world which is dissimilar to the physically tangible and controlled world
they are used to, they may have difficulty accepting any manifestations which
appear before their eyes.
some of you are looking for veritable “solid” auditory and visual proof that
such and such exists and can be witnessed and recorded in indisputable ways, I
am sorry to state that you are not only thinking wishfully, but impractically
as well. You’re trying to cram one world (or concept of the “world”) into
another world, which was designed specifically different from one another.
consider a few other points: Human beings as a statistical fact, are very poor
observers and worse at recalling events exactly as they happened. One of the
main reasons Hypnosis regression recall is seldom used in courts is because it
is not an objective account of what transpired but a limited perception that is
cataloged within the workings of a human brain. Our brains absorb information
through a multitude of different filters which places a heavy slant on holistic
comprehension. This fact multiplies many fold when nonphysical elements are

I’ve previously written about, in order to behold certain occurrences, there
has to be a suitable unconscious frame work or blueprint in which to perceive
it with any amount of comprehension. If none exists, then the occurrence will
go by unnoticed (invisible/unperceived) or else just case a slight disturbance
which will be brushed aside by the conscious mind as unremarkable. Other times,
these same people are shocked by occurrences that frighten and confuse them but
give no other framework for understanding.
really not a difficult a concept. Through simple hypnotic suggestion, I can
make myself seem invisible to the subject, where they simply cannot focus or
perceive I am there because their mind tells them not too. If there is a deeply
ingrained structure or “suggestion” that states certain beings do not and
cannot exist, its going to be very difficult for the conscious mind to be able
to see “that which does not exist”. Introducing the presence of spirits
or nonphysical beings to an adult (early teenage and older) mind, that had no
previous framework or reference for is practically useless and sometimes
harmful. By that time the mind has already constructed a fairly substantial
grid of what occurrences are acceptable and included and which are not.
In normal circumstances, perceptions of
reality are a sounding board against fellow observers (other human beings
within the same social structure) who share at least similar concepts of
acceptable reality. Anything outside this spectrum is either discarded by the rational
mind or causes a disturbance in which “fear” is typically the reaction, as the
mind searches for ways to interpret the foreign information/stimuli and fit it
into a known frame of reference from which to attempt understanding.
research the hypothesis of the “quantum field” when dealing with human conceivability.)
side effects can occur when people undergo something their minds are not ready
for. The results may actually have more to do with the witness’ psychology than
anything external. When people are not able to accept or process the
information they are witnessing a few amusing (and at other times disturbing)
reactions can occur.
Some instantly
divert their attention and eyes away from whatever it was I was trying to have
them see, becoming nervous and seriously uncomfortable. The body makes odd
sorts of shivers, and nerves twitching motions as if attempting to divert all
sensory perceptions toward something physical and familiar. Even people who
seem to be quite lucid and aware of being in the midst of
something extraordinary may later seem to forget or totally dismiss what
they experienced since the mind has no place to put the information in a
rational, systematic place of familiarity.
power and knowledge is occult {hidden} for a reason, and not due to the
powerful and gifted magicians wishing to keep it that way. Many people are not
meant to explore the realms of the unknown for a variety of reasons. Exposure
to such events or entities, even accidentally can cause mental and emotional
disturbance in ways not immediately apparent.
Magic gives “power to the participant” were new constructs, concepts, worlds,
and beings become perceivable and even acceptable over time. Magical ritual
creates a systematic blueprint and/or foundation upon which we can build a
framework for encountering and experiencing all sorts of spiritual phenomena.
Psychedelic drugs or chemicals can bypass the conscious mind’s insistent
control over permissible perceptions of reality but will typically not allow useful
information and experience to be comprehended once returning to familiar states
of consciousness. This is not Magic.
requires the successful mediation between the seen and unseen worlds to
whatever capacity the magician is able to fathom. Ritual and disciplined
preparation create a road map for which the adventuring mind can observe
foreign archetypes and circumstance without completely losing the construct of
acceptable reality. Ritual creates a separate space, if you will, for the
seemingly “impossible” to occur. Ceremonial alteration in mind and atmosphere
allow the learning of new ideas and concepts to be assimilated without a
paradoxical conflict of differing realities. In lingering between the worlds,
the mind will either shut out what I cannot process or become dangerously
unbalanced resulting in skewed mental/emotional functioning and perceptions of
reality not acceptable to their fellow sounding boards.
convinced that this process cannot be forced artificially, even with discipline.
It also cannot be attempted just by “reasoning it out” even by the most gifted
of minds. The parts of the brain which control the perceptions and interactions
with the ‘unseen’ worlds are not the rational consciousness. Likewise, there is
definitely an ‘exterior moderator’ which seems to allow certain individuals to
experience these events and others not to. I still do not understand exactly
what factors decide what allows a person to experience the dynamic magical, and
what completely conceals it from another. It seems to ring true however, that
“A magician is brought forth from his mother’s womb…. all others who assume the
function are unhappy.”
argument for particular magical experiences being “in the mind” therefor is a misconception.
The mind is the medium the magician explores the magical world through his or
her frame of reference. The Spirits, ghosts, demons, Fae, and angels are there
regardless, but extend past what the imagination can hope to capture them in.
Interesting post.
ReplyDeleteWhat you say about the necessity of having or building an adequate psychological frame for the experience of magical phenomena reminds me of Lisiewski´s concept of "subjective synthesis".
The factors which define whether a person may see or perceive a spiritual entity in a ritual may perhaps include the possession of developed astral senses (this would justify the use of scryers) or maybe just an openness of mind and a desire to know and learn (in other words, put oneself in the position of a child in the face of God).
Angelic grimoire evocation is very similar, if not identical, to the theurgy of antiquity and of neoplatonic philosophers such as Iamblichus and the Egyptian priests who were the tutors of Pythagoras, Thales and Plato.
All that is needed to learn philosophy (here I mean the philosophy of the ancient sages, not the modern one) is, initially, the love of wisdom or the desire and openness to learn.
It could be wishful thinking, but perhaps this might be the most essential for the performance of grimoire magic.
Awesome post. The occult should stay hidden from the fools!
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