Tuesday, February 17, 2015


After A MUCH overdo waiting period my first book, GATEWAYS THROUGH STONE AND CIRCLE is finally available in paperback!!! This second edition will feature new artwork, book corrections in spelling and Hebrew and also about 20+ pages more of additional information and writing!!!  

The new cover art turned out quite well I thought.   

To order please visit: http://www.amazon.com/Gateways-Through-Stone-Circle-Chassan/dp/0983063931/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424222694&sr=8-1&keywords=gateways+through+stone+and+circle


Also to those whom have read my book I ask that you please share your review on there as well! :)

I also want to take this time to say that my second volume and follow up to 'GATEWAYS'  is well underway. Its over 200 pages already and still has much more to go into it for completion. Not to keep readers on pins and needles but I can hardly wait to share this book as I believe it will FAR OUTDO my first volume by light years. 
In this second book I am sharing the complete working of the past three years of my scryer and I going through a torrent of magical evocations and experiences. Each account is a DIRECT transcription of the audio recordings of EACH evocation to make sure the information was transferred truthfully and complete afterword and also to judge and reflect on the results which followed. including:

-Astral projections into the 4 Elemental Realms and evoking the Kings of the 4 Elemental realms.
A complete cycle of evoking the 7 Planetary Archangels as listed in my first book, GATEWAYS THROUGH STONE AND CIRCLE. With startling information, relations, results, experiences with new talismans, magical methods and instructions from the archangels.
In addition, relations of our experiences and results summoning Archangel Uriel, Metatron, and Sandalphon are shared.

-Contacting, ghosts, true accounts of paranormal investigation via magic and traditional scrying methods as well as verifying contacts and results. True necromancy work.  Also I will be sharing how I successfully conjured a helper (house) spirit into a skull that has since acted as my personal advisor) and mediator between the spiritual and physical world.

-The Mighty 4 KINGS or governor, Guardians of the 4 directions are shared and revealed in this work, fitting the missing sections of the ancient grimoires and magical texts together in a more cohesive and complete system. Much is revealed by the spirits and angels themselves.

-The 7 Olympic Spirits are contacted in startling new clarity and information on how to work with them through the culmination of DSIC, Arbatel, and The Secret Grimorie of Turiel.