Thursday, May 23, 2013


And this time I really


< Finally >

 I haven’t bothered to look back through each of my postings to see just how MANY I’ve made concerning the release of my book.
(I don’t want to look) It feels like ….well too many.

 I don’t think anyone was more eager than I to actually see it come into physical being. Quite a few of you have eagerly been awaiting its release as well and apologize for the many, MANY delays. Hopefully there are none who have been standing by to begin their experiments into DSIC until its release.

Regardless I am very excited and pleased to present to you the standard edition of Gateways Through Stone and Circle

which can be ordered here:

-Fine leather bound editions to be released sometime next month.-

Besides announcing its long awaited release, I also wish to acknowledge individuals who really brought this work from its early stages to the finalized form seen on Nephilim Press’ website.

Besides the exciting journey to becoming a first time published author, the creation of the book was an experience of connecting and acknowledging other acclaimed and/or published magicians who deeply inspired me in the creation of the book. Most are well known adepts, authors and teachers in the magical community.

Mentioned in the actual texts are members of the Gentlemen for Jupiter which spearheaded my interest to explore this particular text of “DRAWING SPIRITS INTO CRYSTALS” 

Frater Rufus Opus is to be acknowledged foremost for his inspirational Planetary Gateway series and open sharing of his experiences and workings. He is a well-respected magus and introduced me to the other founders of G4J

Magus Aaron Leitch’s works, personal feedback, and fine example he and his wife demonstrate as ‘Magus-scryer’.
Many other scholar-magicians assisted with the book’s developments that are not directly named in the text:

Huge thank yous go out to Mr. David Rankine, Stephen Skinner and Mr. StrattonKent for their encouragement over email and feedback to improve and expound on the MS's early stages.
David especially was very generous with his time and continued advice for getting my work published.

Adept Michael Cecchetelli was paramount in Gateway’s publication. His support of my work and communication to Nephilim Press made this book possible. It was an unexpected blessing to receive such brotherly assistance from such a successful author.

To Asterion Mage , an enormous amount of gratitude goes out to him for his phenomenal job as illustrator. I have always admired his inspiring artwork and dedication to exploring Solomonic Magic with scholarly precision, so getting to work with him on this project was a sincere pleasure. I was able to share my visions with him and have him duplicate it with knowing skill which made the work come alive.

I am continually grateful for my longtime friend and talented scryer Mr. “Strider” Willman for his review of my book and obvious contributions to the continuing experiments.

I am proud to recognize my singular student in this art, Mr. H. M. with his masterful feedback, and dedication to conducting the traditional experiments with precision and exquisite detail. He is the exemplary magus and student of the occult. His experiences and development using the content of the book has given me faith in its ability to empower others to experience similar wonders.

Many other friends in the magical community assisted with its review and editing and I am grateful for all of their work and attention!

Finally and most importantly, for the actually publication goes a huge thanks to Frank for not only taking a chance on my first MS but giving overwhelming support and encouragement for it. His treatment, communication and professionalism were second to none.  During the tiresome finalization of the book Nephilim Press continued to offer assistance in getting it completed.

 I truly hope serious magicians enjoy and benefit from its use. I also look forward to hearing about personal experiences from many of you!